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Friday, January 29, 2010

The Calendar

When Provocraft came out with their ‘Designer’s Calendar’ cartridge for the Cricut, I instantly knew what I was going to be making a few people for Christmas! Assuming I could get it delivered in time! However, I didn’t anticipate the problem of not having enough supplies available! Unfortunately for me, all the local craft stores were out of the packs of vellum I needed, so I was unable to complete the entire calendar for Christmas. I have since completed the calendar, and would love to share it with y’all!

Each month was drawn, using my Cricut, and Sharpie mini-markers (thanks to my nifty holder I got at on either vellum paper or thin plastic, with the exception of May, which I actually cut using my Cricut. I then either colored in the drawings/lettering, or made some cuts to add dimension to the calendar. Each piece of vellum or plastic was then placed on top of a patterned piece of paper.

This calendar offers some versatility, as the dates are not written on the calendar pages themselves, but either on the glass cover (frame) or a plastic cover sheet. Additionally, the patterned papers are not adhered, so they can be changed out from year to year or throughout the month, for a different look!

January - displayed inside a 12x12 frame

February, March, April and May
February was drawn in red, and colored in with an opaque white paint pen.
March, April and May each have some 'cut' items included on the page.  For March, the four-leaf clovers were cut out; April, I cut the little girl, her umbrella and the rain cloud; and May, the word 'May' was cut out.
June, July, August and September.
For the month of July, I wanted to add some pazzazz, so cut out the fireworks, and used some red glitter glue to give them some sparkle.
I kept it simple for August, but I added some color by using Sharpie markers to color in the images/wording.

October...I really like the way this turned out!  I had to use my Cricut markers to draw the images, but they were colored in using paint pens.
And to end the year, December...I wanted to make this page special too, as this is a special time of year for most everyone.  I colored this page in using the paint pens once again, but I used a Snow Writer, to get a dimensional effect to the snow on the top of the gingerbread house.

Oh, and I had almost forgotten to let y'all know about the other exciting part of this calendar!  When I originally made it/them, I had intended for them to be put in a frame with a metal sheet behind the month, so that you can use it as a magnetic calendar!

I have to say, I LOVE this cartridge!  I did have to use a number of my other cartridges to get all the images, but I just LOVE what the Desinger's Calendar can do!

And just a little plug...if anyone is interested, I do have an extra calendar available, if someone want to purchase one. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the calendar Sara. A great idea. I need to learn how to use the pens in the cricut. Thanks for sharing with us.
